
Models can sometimes correctly answer sub-problems but incorrectly answer the overall query. This is known as the compositionality gap1.

How can we encourage a model to use the answers to sub-problems to correctly generate the overall solution?

Self-Ask is a technique which use a single prompt to:

  • decide if follow-up questions are required
  • generate the follow-up questions
  • answer the follow-up questions
  • answer the main query



$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');

use Cognesy\Instructor\Features\Schema\Attributes\Description;

use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;

class FollowUp {

    #[Description("Follow-up question")]

    public string $question;

    #[Description("Answer to the follow-up question")]

    public string $answer;


class Response {

    public bool $followUpsRequired;

    /** @var FollowUp[] */

    public array $followUps;

    public string $finalAnswer;


class RespondWithFollowUp {

    private $prompt = <<<QUERY

        Query: {query}

        Are follow-up questions needed?

        If so, generate follow-up questions, their answers, and then the final answer to the query.


    public function __invoke(string $query) : Response {

        return (new Instructor)->respond(

            messages: str_replace('{query}', $query, $this->prompt),

            responseModel: Response::class,




$response = (new RespondWithFollowUp)(

    query: "Who succeeded the president of France ruling when Bulgaria joined EU?",


echo "Answer:\n";




  1. Measuring and Narrowing the Compositionality Gap in Language Models