Single label classification
For single-label classification, we first define an enum
for possible labels
and a PHP class for the output.
Let’s start by defining the data structures.
$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__.'../../src/');
use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;
// Enumeration for single-label text classification.
enum Label : string {
case SPAM = "spam";
case NOT_SPAM = "not_spam";
// Class for a single class label prediction.
class SinglePrediction {
public Label $classLabel;
Classifying Text
The function classify will perform the single-label classification.
// Perform single-label classification on the input text.
function classify(string $data) : SinglePrediction {
return (new Instructor())->respond(
messages: [[
"role" => "user",
"content" => "Classify the following text: $data",
responseModel: SinglePrediction::class,
Testing and Evaluation
Let’s run an example to see if it correctly identifies a spam message.
// Test single-label classification
$prediction = classify("Hello there I'm a Nigerian prince and I want to give you money");
assert($prediction->classLabel == Label::SPAM);