
You can create a wrapper class to hold either the result of an operation or an error message. This allows you to remain within a function call even if an error occurs, facilitating better error handling without breaking the code flow.

NOTE: Instructor offers a built-in Maybe wrapper class that you can use to handle errors. See the example in Basics section for more details.



$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__.'../../src/');

use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;

class UserDetail


    public string $name;

    public int $age;


class MaybeUser


    public ?UserDetail $user = null;

    public bool $noUserData = false;

    /** If no user data, provide reason */

    public ?string $errorMessage = '';

    public function get(): ?UserDetail


        return $this->noUserData ? null : $this->user;



$user = (new Instructor)->respond(

    messages: [['role' => 'user', 'content' => 'We don\'t know anything about this guy.']],

    responseModel: MaybeUser::class





assert($user->get() === null);
