Thought Generation
Analogical Prompting
Generate Examples First
Analogical Prompting is a method that aims to get LLMs to generate examples that are relevant to the problem before starting to address the user’s query.
This takes advantage of the various forms of knowledge that the LLM has acquired during training and explicitly prompts them to recall the relevant problems and solutions. We can use Analogical Prompting using the following template
Analogical Prompting Prompt Template
- Problem:
[user prompt]
- Relevant Problems: Recall
relevant and distinct problems. - For each problem, describe it and explain the solution
We can implement this using Instructor to solve the problem, as seen below with some slight modifications.
$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');
use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;
class Problem {
public string $problemExplanation;
public string $solution;
class Response {
/** @var Problem[] */
public array $relevantProblems;
public Problem $problemSolution;
public string $answer;
class SolvePerAnalogy {
private int $n = 3;
private string $prompt = <<<PROMPT
Relevant Problems: Recall {n} relevant and
distinct problems. For each problem, describe
it and explain the solution before solving
the problem
public function __invoke(string $query) : Response {
return (new Instructor)->respond(
messages: str_replace(['{n}', '{query}'], [$this->n, $query], $this->prompt),
responseModel: Response::class,
$solution = (new SolvePerAnalogy)('What is the area of the square with the four vertices at (-2, 2), (2, -2), (-2, -6), and (-6, -2)?');