We’re looking for your help

We’re looking for a bunch more examples.

If you have a tutorial or example you’d like to add, please open a pull request in docs/hub and we’ll review it.

  • Converting the cookbooks to the new format
  • Validator examples
  • Data extraction examples
  • Streaming examples (Iterable and Partial)
  • Batch Parsing examples
  • Query Expansion examples
  • Batch Data Processing examples
  • Batch Data Processing examples with Cache

We’re also looking for help to catch up with the features available in Instructor Hub for Python (see: https://github.com/jxnl/instructor/blob/main/docs/hub/index.md).

  • Better viewer with pagination
  • Examples database
  • Pulling in the code to your own dir, so you can get started with the API

How to contribute

We welcome contributions to the instructor hub, if you have a tutorial or example you’d like to add, please open a pull request in docs/hub and we’ll review it.

  1. The code must be in a single .php file.
  2. Please include documentation in the file - check existing examples for the format.
  3. Make sure that the code is tested.