
Instructor has a built-in support for generating JSON Schema from dynamic objects with Structure class.

This is useful when the data model is built during runtime or defined by your app users.

Structure helps you flexibly design and modify data models that can change with every request or user input and allows you to generate JSON Schema for them.


require 'examples/boot.php';

use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Structure\Field;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Structure\Structure;
use Cognesy\Polyglot\LLM\Enums\Mode;
use Cognesy\Polyglot\LLM\Inference;

$city = Structure::define('city', [
    Field::string('name', 'City name')->required(),
    Field::int('population', 'City population')->required(),
    Field::int('founded', 'Founding year')->required(),

$data = (new Inference)
        messages: [['role' => 'user', 'content' => 'What is capital of France? \
        Respond with JSON data.']],
        responseFormat: [
            'type' => 'json_schema',
            'description' => 'City data',
            'json_schema' => [
                'name' => 'city_data',
                'schema' => $city->toJsonSchema(),
                'strict' => true,
        options: ['max_tokens' => 64],
        mode: Mode::JsonSchema,

echo "USER: What is capital of France\n";
echo "ASSISTANT:\n";
