
This is an example of how to extract structured data from an image using Instructor. The image is loaded from a file and converted to base64 format before sending it to OpenAI API.

In this example we will be extracting structured data from an image of a car with visible damage. The response model will contain information about the location of the damage and the type of damage.

Scanned image

Here’s the image we’re going to extract data from.


require 'examples/boot.php';

use Cognesy\Addons\Image\Image;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Features\Schema\Attributes\Description;
use Cognesy\Utils\Str;

enum DamageSeverity : string {
    case Minor = 'minor';
    case Moderate = 'moderate';
    case Severe = 'severe';
    case Total = 'total';

enum DamageLocation : string {
    case Front = 'front';
    case Rear = 'rear';
    case Left = 'left';
    case Right = 'right';
    case Top = 'top';
    case Bottom = 'bottom';

class Damage {
    #[Description('Identify damaged element')]
    public string $element;
    /** @var DamageLocation[] */
    public array $locations;
    public DamageSeverity $severity;
    public string $description;

class DamageAssessment {
    public string $make;
    public string $model;
    public string $bodyColor;
    /** @var Damage[] */
    public array $damages = [];
    public string $summary;

$assessment = Image::fromFile(__DIR__ . '/car-damage.jpg')
        responseModel: DamageAssessment::class,
        prompt: 'Identify and assess each car damage location and severity separately.',
        connection: 'openai',
        model: 'gpt-4o',
        options: ['max_tokens' => 4096]

assert(Str::contains($assessment->make, 'Toyota', false));
assert(Str::contains($assessment->model, 'Prius', false));
assert(Str::contains($assessment->bodyColor, 'white', false));
assert(count($assessment->damages) > 0);