
Make Instructor restate long or complex instructions and rules to improve inference accuracy.



$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');

use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;


 * Identify what kind of job the user is doing.

 * Typical roles we're working with are CEO, CTO, CFO, CMO.

 * Sometimes user does not state their role directly - you will need

 * to make a guess, based on their description.


class UserRole


    /** Restate instructions and rules, so you can correctly determine the title. */

    public string $instructions;

    /** Role description */

    public string $description;

    /* Guess job title */

    public string $title;



 * Details of analyzed user. The key information we're looking for

 * is appropriate role data.


class UserDetail


    public string $name;

    public int $age;

    public UserRole $role;


$text = <<<TEXT

    I'm Jason, I'm 28 yo. I am the head of Apex Software, responsible for

    driving growth of our company.


$instructor = new Instructor;

$user = ($instructor)->respond(

    messages: [["role" => "user",  "content" => $text]],

    responseModel: UserDetail::class,



assert($user->name === "Jason");

assert($user->age === 28);

