
(new Instructor)->onEvent(string $class, callable $callback) method allows you to receive callback when specified type of event is dispatched by Instructor.

This way you can plug into the execution process and monitor it, for example logging or reacting to the events which are of interest to your application.

This example demonstrates how you can monitor outgoing requests and received responses via Instructor’s events.

Check the Cognesy\Instructor\Events namespace for the list of available events and their properties.


require 'examples/boot.php';

use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;
use Cognesy\Polyglot\Http\Events\HttpRequestSent;
use Cognesy\Polyglot\Http\Events\HttpResponseReceived;
use Cognesy\Utils\Events\Event;

class User
    public string $name;
    public int $age;

// let's mock a logger class - in real life you would use a proper logger, e.g. Monolog
$logger = new class {
    public function log(Event $event) {
        // we're using a predefined asLog() method to get the event data,
        // but you can access the event properties directly and customize the output
        echo $event->asLog()."\n";

$user = (new Instructor)
    ->onEvent(HttpRequestSent::class, fn($event) => $logger->log($event))
    ->onEvent(HttpResponseReceived::class, fn($event) => $logger->log($event))
        messages: "Jason is 28 years old",
        responseModel: User::class,
