
Receive all internal events with wiretap()

Instructor allows you to receive detailed information at every stage of request and response processing via events.

(new Instructor)->wiretap(callable $callback) method allows you to receive all events dispatched by Instructor.

Example below demonstrates how wiretap() can help you to monitor the execution process and better understand or resolve any processing issues.

In this example we use print() method available on event classes, which outputs console-formatted information about each event.


require 'examples/boot.php';

use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;

enum Role : string {
    case CEO = 'ceo';
    case CTO = 'cto';
    case Developer = 'developer';
    case Other = 'other';

class UserDetail
    public string $name;
    public Role $role;
    public int $age;

$user = (new Instructor)
    ->wiretap(fn($event) => $event->print())
        messages: [["role" => "user",  "content" => "Contact our CTO, Jason is 28 years old -- Best regards, Tom"]],
        responseModel: UserDetail::class,
        options: ['stream' => true]


assert($user->name === "Jason");
assert($user->role === Role::CTO);
assert($user->age === 28);