
To improve the results of LLM inference you can provide examples of the expected output. This will help LLM to understand the context and the expected structure of the output.

It is typically useful in the Mode::Json and Mode::MdJson modes, where the output is expected to be a JSON object.


require 'examples/boot.php';

use Cognesy\Instructor\Features\Core\Data\Example;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;
use Cognesy\Polyglot\Http\Events\HttpRequestSent;
use Cognesy\Polyglot\LLM\Enums\Mode;

class User {
    public int $age;
    public string $name;

echo "\nREQUEST:\n";
$user = (new Instructor)
    // let's dump the request data to see how examples are used in requests
    ->onEvent(HttpRequestSent::class, fn($event) => dump($event))
        messages: "Our user Jason is 25 years old.",
        responseModel: User::class,
        examples: [
            new Example(
                input: "John is 50 and works as a teacher.",
                output: ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 50]
            new Example(
                input: "We have recently hired Ian, who is 27 years old.",
                output: ['name' => 'Ian', 'age' => 27],
                template: "example input:\n<|input|>\noutput:\n```json\n<|output|>\n```\n",
        mode: Mode::Json)

echo "\nOUTPUT:\n";
assert($user->name === 'Jason');
assert($user->age === 25);