HTTP Connectivity via SaloonPHP

Instructor uses SaloonPHP as its HTTP connectivity layer.

SaloonPHP is a lightweight HTTP client library that provides a simple API for making HTTP API requests and handling responses. It is designed to be easy to use and flexible, with a focus on performance and reliability.

SaloonPHP is built on top of the popular Guzzle

Accessing SaloonPHP connector

You can directly access Saloon connector instance via connector() method on the client instance, and call Saloon debugging methods on it - see SaloonPHP debugging documentation for more details:

Request and response middleware

Additionally, connector() method on the client instance allows you to access other capabilities of Saloon connector, such as adding middleware via onRequest() or onResponse() methods on the Connector instance returned by connector(). See SaloonPHP documentation for more details:

Custom connectors

Instructor allows you to provide custom connector to the client instance via withConnector() method on the API client instance. Provided connector must inherit from Cognesy\Instructor\ApiClient\ApiConnector.

Customizing HTTP client used by SaloonPHP

SaloonPHP uses Guzzle as its HTTP client by default. You can customize HTTP sender used by SaloonPHP by providing custom senderClass parameter to your connector constructor, which should be a class name implementing Saloon’s Sender contract: