
Structures allow dynamically define the shape of data to be extracted by LLM, e.g. during runtime.

Use Structure::define() to define the structure and pass it to Instructor as response model.

If Structure instance has been provided as a response model, Instructor returns an array in the shape you defined.

See more: Structures


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');

use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Structure\Field;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Structure\Structure;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;

enum Role : string {
    case Manager = 'manager';
    case Line = 'line';

$structure = Structure::define('person', [
    Field::string('name','Name of the person'),
    Field::int('age', 'Age of the person')->validIf(
        fn($value) => $value > 0, "Age has to be positive number"
    Field::structure('address', [
        Field::string('street', 'Street name')->optional(),
        Field::string('city', 'City name'),
        Field::string('zip', 'Zip code')->optional(),
    ], 'Address of the person'),
    Field::enum('role', Role::class, 'Role of the person'),
], 'A person object');

$text = <<<TEXT
    Jane Doe lives in Springfield, 50210. She is 25 years old and works as manager at McDonald's.
    McDonald's in Ney York is located at 456 Elm St, NYC, 12345.

$person = (new Instructor)->respond(
    messages: $text,
    responseModel: $structure,

print("Name: " . $person->name . "\n");
print("Age: " . $person->age . "\n");
print("Address / city: " . $person->address->city . "\n");
print("Address / ZIP: " . $person->address->zip . "\n");
print("Role: " . $person->role->value . "\n");