
Instructor offers a way to use structured data as an input. This is useful when you want to use object data as input and get another object with a result of LLM inference.

The input field of Instructor’s respond() and request() methods can be an object, but also an array or just a string.



$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');

use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;

class Email {

    public function __construct(

        public string $address = '',

        public string $subject = '',

        public string $body = '',

    ) {}


$email = new Email(

    address: 'joe@gmail',

    subject: 'Status update',

    body: 'Your account has been updated.'


$translatedEmail = (new Instructor)->respond(

    input: $email,

    responseModel: Email::class,

    prompt: 'Translate the text fields of email to Spanish. Keep other fields unchanged.',



assert($translatedEmail->address === $email->address);

assert($translatedEmail->subject !== $email->subject);

assert($translatedEmail->body !== $email->body);
